Is My Baby Too Old For Newborn Photos?
Yes, it’s true that the best time to photograph your baby for newborn photos is in the first two weeks. However, this is not a hard rule.
If you’re still pregnant, book now!
But maybe you forgot to schedule photos while you were pregnant because you were getting everything else ready for your baby’s arrival, or maybe you spent time in the NICU, or treating jaundice at home. Maybe you’re feeling that twinge of regret and wondering if you’ve somehow missed out. I’m here to tell you: it’s okay, and it’s not too late to have beautiful photos of your baby and you will not regret having 1, 2 or 3 month photos done.
We may not get the classic, curled sleeping baby photos, but we will get photos with eye contact, a much higher chance of getting a smile or two, and some extra rolls as they’ve had more time to put on some extra pounds.
So if you missed that early two week window, don’t worry! Your baby is beautiful and worth being celebrated at any point that you’re ready to have photos done. Every moment in the first year is worth documenting.